3/8: Smartphone Usage Increases Risk of Identity Theft
3/15: Collecting Payments from Deadbeat Parents About To Get Easier
3/16: Are March Madness Office Pools Legal?
3/19: How To Avoid Legal Scams
3/20: Crazy State Laws
3/20: Can Your Employer Demand Your Facebook Password?
3/21: Divorcing Billionaire Tries To Hide Assets With $88 Million Apartment Purchase
3/22: Can Your Employer Fire You For Alcoholism?
3/26: Supreme Court Rules Defendants Entitled to Competent Representation in Plea Bargaining
3/27: Debt Collectors Punished for Making Death Threats
3/28: Defective Foreclosures Rampant
3/29: Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Health Care Law
3/30: Child Rape Victims Awarded $4 Million in California Lawsuit